jueves, 12 de enero de 2012




Si conectas el puerto serial a tu laptop no podras ver nada, para que esto funcione debes de tener preparada la consola y apagar y prender el switch.

Welcome to Dell Easy Setup Wizard.
The Setup Wizard guides you through the initial switch configuration, and gets
you up and running as quickly as possible.  You can skip the setup wizard, and
enter CLI mode to manually configure the switch.
The system will prompt you with a default answer; by pressing enter, you accept
the default.
You must respond to the next question to run the setup wizard within
60 seconds, otherwise the system will continue with normal operation using
the default system configuration.
Would you like to enter the setup wizard (you must answer this question within
60 seconds)? (Y/N)[Y] N
port jumbo-frame
This setting will take effect only after copying running configuration to startup configuration and resetting the device
console(config)# spanning-tree mode rstp
console(config)# interface range ethernet g1-24
console(config-if)# flowcontrol on
console(config-if)# spanning-tree portfast

console(config-if)# exit
console(config)# interface vlan 1
console(config-if)# sntp client enable
console(config-if)# ip address TUIPLOCAL
console(config-if)# exit
console(config)# ip default-gateway TUGATEWAY
console(config)# enable password level 15 admin
console(config)# line telnet
console(config-line)# password admin
console(config-line)# exit
console(config)# voice vlan oui-table remove 00036b
console(config)# voice vlan oui-table remove 00096e
voice vlan oui-table remove 0001e3
voice vlan oui-table remove 000fe2
voice vlan oui-table remove 0060b9
voice vlan oui-table remove 00d01e
voice vlan oui-table remove 00e075
voice vlan oui-table remove 00e0bb
console(config)# console(config)# console(config)# console(config)# console(config)# console(config)# console(config)#
console(config)# no iscsi enable
console(config)# no iscsi target port 860
console(config)# no iscsi target port 3260
console(config)# exit
console# copy running-config startup-config
Overwrite file [startup-config] ?[Yes/press any key for no]....01-Jan-2000 00:09:19 %COPY-I-FILECPY: Files Copy - source URL running-config destination URL flash://startup-config
01-Jan-2000 00:09:25 %COPY-N-TRAP: The copy operation was completed successfully
Copy succeeded
console# reload

console# reload
This command will reset the whole system and disconnect your current session. Do you want to continue ? (Y/N)[N] Y
Shutting down ...
Shutting down ...

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